PLANET Wins "Taiwan's Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award"
PLANET Techonology Corporation, the global leading IP-based networking company, today announced it has been newly selected as "2007 Taiwans Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) Award" winner by Common Wealth Magazine, Taiwans most influential business bi-weekly. This survey revealed the Top 50 of Taiwans Excellence in CSR Enterprises, selected from 1,929 Taiwans public listed companies through the severe judging process, under the creteria of their Corporate Governance, Corporate Commitment, Social Participation, and Environmental Protection.

According to the latest issue on 14th March of Common Wealth Magazine, PLANET ranked among "2007 Taiwans Excellence in CSR Award" list along with the Top Taiwanese enterprises including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC), Delta Electronics Inc., MediaTek Inc., ING Insurance, Citibank, EPSON Taiwan, IBM Taiwan, and Agilent Technologies.

The survey creteria was based on OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index (DJSGI) as well as Global Compact. All the data scored and ranked was according to the following 4 main indicators:

1. Corporate Governance: Independent board of directors, public financial records,
? profits growth, welfare of shareholders and customers
2. Corporate Commitment: Ceomitment to clients, employees cultivation, innovations
3. Social Participation: Social responsibility and community influence for a long term
4. Environmental Protection: Environmental protection and save energy
CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. PLANET Technology Corporation received the honor because it is PLANETs commitment to operating on not only the profits increasing, but also the enhancing of social and environmental infleunces.