First Prize in CSR Recognition!
PLANET awarded 2010 CSR Award from Global Views Magazine
PLANET Technology Corporation, the global leading IP-based networking company, was once again awarded 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award by Global Views Monthly Magazine. PLANET has advanced itself by being awarded the First Prize for Over-the-counter (OTC) Company selected among almost 1,000 Taiwans public listed companies.

PLANET Technology Corporation always considers CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) an important part of business management strategy. PLANET puts much effort in integrating CSR into our corporate culture; furthermore, to put philosophy and ideals into various actions.

Corporate Governance
PLANET continues to make profit for the past 17 years ever since its establishment in 1993. Moreover, we have been awarded twice in a roll for CG6005 Corporate Governance Systems Evaluation Certification in 2008 and 2009 for the public listed companies from Corporate Governance Association in Taiwan. In 2009, we achieved the certification with the top score to show our dedication and commitment in governance standards.

Environmental Policy
At PLANET, our R&D team designs energy-saving and environmental protection products. In order to meet the international standards of a Green Company and to be a true global citizen, PLANET has set goals to implement better protection of our environment within the corporation.

Social Participation
PLANET is dedicated to corporate community involvement and philanthropy, offering a genuine attempt to build meaningful relationships between the corporate sector and the rest of society. To make positive difference of schools and the community, we founded Taiwan's first educational trust, in the hope of helping students from vulnerable families with their studies and psychological consultations.

PLANET Technology also contributes in the following areas to ensure long-term and continuous practice in CSR:

?? Employee welfare???? Shareholder rights
?? Supplier commitment?? Supply-chain management
?? Customer rights????   Customer satisfaction

The 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award is designed by taking reference of international indexes and the OECDs Guidelines, and the current industrial status in Taiwan. New CSR standards and issues have been added over the years to better meet the standards of international recognition. The survey in 2010 included topics such as water resource, labor rights, sex rights and customer relationship and simplified and divided the questionnaire into 3 major topics: Corporate Governance, Environmental Policy and Social Participation.